Wednesday, February 29, 2012

life is mundane

Hello everyone. I'm officailly sick of school. I want it to end and I still have a few months to go. I  guess life is going okay, I still need to make a few more courses and pass my current ones for graduation. I do the same thing every day and every week and it is getting on my nerves. I wish I could just be done with school and be free to just draw cook and play games. I'm just miserable at my school, although I'm surrounded by all my friends and they always cheer me up I feel alone. I have a special someone in my life but our relationship is long distance and I just wish I could go live with him, or be able to whisk him away so he can live with me. I guess on a brighter not this misery has cause my insanity and anger to flare which then all mix together and have given me many ideas for sketches and doodles which I will most likely end up using for project ideas... one of them I actually want to sculpt in clay as a figure. Recently I've also had quite a few story ideas that are somewhat on the happier note but still in the strange of sorts. Well I guess that is all for today I post up my sketches in a day or so, so be sure to look forward to some creepy quirky pics. Until then :)

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