Monday, June 11, 2012

name change?

Hey everyone I might change my blogs title and possibly the blogs sites link. Because over the year I have "Discovered" that I am Pansexual, not Bisexual so it's going into thought. The site will probably will be the same for simplicities sake, but the name is a definite for change. :) till then.

As a side note Actually the address might change because I am not a high schooller anymore so 2-3 weeks before I officially change the site name I will post the Name, and the address on here if you miss the change I am sorry and I hope you can find the blog again, well Until Then.


Well then, this wasn't I had been wanting waiting for or expecting of my summer. To start, life sucks, second my schedule is whack and I'm always tired, then I have nothing to do and I'm getting quite bored, on a happier note, I have more time to myself to draw, and that sadly resulted in one very good sketch and a very sub par drawing that should be redone... I am hoping that I can, over the summer perfect my style for drawing and require me to use less references. I tried chocolate covered bacon, and its actually really good, it took a few bites, but I actually like it very much. Last week on Thursday I went to Disneyland to something called Grad Nite and it was amazing, I loved it. Me and seven others all hung out, chatting, joking, going on rides and everything. I had a hell of a time and I will never forget the fun I had. Among other things, I'm really hoping for the chance to see my boyfriend this summer too. I still haven't gotten a job at Starbucks yet so I doubt I will. I will try to apply else where, but I'm not sure if I will, more because finding a job I believe to be fun and that I actually want to do will be hard. Well I guess that is all I have to day for now, Until Then : )